Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My BAD ?

It's official, I am now the worst mom in the world ! Imagine that. First thing out of my son's mouth this morning was ," I have no jeans to wear, did you do the wash yesterday" . NO, I didn't ...he has lots of other jeans, but no they weren't acceptable . Well, I decide I would do laundry this afternoon so the same thing doesn't happen tomorrow.

Guess what I found dead in the bottom of the washer after the first load.....his IPOD.

It is his job to check his pockets, but for some reason I am the bad guy. Good grief ! Let's hope it dries out and works again.

I need to make another bear :) In case you missed it, my mink bear Silvester sold in a flash. I am so thrilled that he found a new mom.

1 comment:

Debora Hoffmann said...

Tammy, my mom said she knew she was doing her job if we said she was the meanest mommy in the world. I think it was in the context of her not letting us do something dangerous or not wise or downright stupid. :-) I know that it definitely wasn't your fault the iPod got a washing. Hope it works again!

Silvester got adopted very quickly. It's no wonder: he's a complete cutie-patootie! I'll leave the real-fur bear making to you; you are great at it, and I have enough fights with mohair and alpaca. Ha-ha!

I look forward to reading more of your blog.

New Avenue Crew