Friday, January 23, 2009

Aaaa-Choo !

I've been tagged again, but this time by the Cold bug. Sniffle , Sniffle, Aaaa-Choo. Oh well , at least it isn't the flu. So much for my plans to work on a bear today.


Laura Lynn said...

Awww Tammy, I'm sorry!!! Hope you are feeling better by now. HUGE hugz, Laura Lynn

S. K. Gray said...

And wishing you are getting over your sniffles! Colds were created to help remind us of how good it is to feel good all the other days (grin)

Tammy said...

Thanks Laura & Sudey !

Sudey , you are totally right. Being sick does make you appreciate the health day ! I feel almost back to "normal" and I use that word loosly LOL.
