Monday, September 19, 2011

Good News !

 I know some of you have been wondering how my appointment went at the Oncologist  & Endocrinologist .  I am thrilled to say that it was wonderful news.   My cancer was Stage 1 very low risk so no further treatment is needed at this time.  I will get more tests done in 6 months to see how things look then .  I just need to have my medication lowered as I am too hyperthyroid .  I am so thankful that the news was so positive.   The Edoncrinologist is sending me for tests for another issue he was curious about.  But, I think that will all work out ok.

I'm working a new bear and hope to have it available later this week . 

Thanks for all the prayers :)


Katy Cameron said...

So happy for you, and looking forward to meeting the new bear

Joanne@ Desertmountainbear said...

Yeah!! So glad you posted this. I've been rooting for you. I've been there too in the cancer boat. It is a scary ride.