It hasn't been a great week I have to admit. I was sick for 5 or 6 days with something. I don't know what it was really, I was just very nauseous and had no appetite. I feel better, but still a little sick sometimes. Maybe it is stress ?
Yesterday I met with the surgeon for my 2nd biopsy results. The news wasn't what I was hoping for. There are some abnormal cells on my lump. This may or may not be cancer, but the lab was unable to determine that for sure. There is a good chance it isn't cancer. However, the only way to tell now is to have the surgery. The choice is mine, but is it really a choice. I cried all the way home, called my husband at work and cried some more. I'm more peaceful about it today trying to take the "glass is half full approach".
So, now I am on the waiting list for 6 or 7 months to have the surgery done. Since the lump is growing on the center of my thyroid the whole thing must be removed so I'll need to take medication daily, forever. The tumor will then be analyzed and radioactive iodine treatment may be necessary if it does turn out to be cancer :( I really don't know why I am sharing all this. I am a private person usually. But, thanks for listening :)
On a happier subject- bears. I started a mink panda last week and it is about 80% done. I need to attach the head and ears, and sew the seams. Maybe it will be ready by Monday.
I'll post it as soon as it's ready.
Hugs , Tammy