Friday, April 25, 2008

Back to Bears

I have been contemplating the idea of doing a show on my website. This would mean I'd make a few bears and offer them all at once at a certain time. I'm still deciding though.

I got really inspired when I received this piece of gorgeous purple mohair yesterday. I swapped some fur, I no longer need, with a friend who seems allergic to mohair. I discovered I have the same type in an antique ivory color. I see a yummy bear in the future.

Today I plan to get a bear started, but may be a few days until I get it completed. I've got a full schedule the next couple of days. I need to look for a new camera for one thing. Along with my son's IPOD, my nice camera died the same day. It costs more to fix than it is worth so the camera search begins. Thankfully, we have an old back up in the meantime.

Oh, and what a wintery surprise to look out and see snow on my tulips this morning. Just a little Spring fertilizer !

1 comment:

Debora Hoffmann said...

Oooo...pretty mohair! I can just see the wheels spinning, er, I mean, I can understand how these two furs are inspiring you. :-) Hope a sweet little one will emerge soon.

An online show sounds like fun! If you do one, let me know.

Hope you find a new camera soon. Ah, technology...