Have you ever heard those words ? I just did about 90 minutes ago and it was, unfortunately ,referring to me !

You see, I decided to donate blood for the first time ever tonight , and convinced my hubby to donate along with me. It is something I have wanted to do for a long time.
I was a bit nervous I have to admit.
We'll, the donation part was relatively easy and painless for the 16 minutes it took, until a couple of minutes after the needle came out and my head started to spin. I got very hot and apparently very pale according to many of the nearby donors. The nurse looked over at me and asked if I was o.k. and I nodded "NO". Then I heard those words, " Donor Down" and she immediately raised my feet and lowered my head. Some others nurses put cold clothes on my headand neck , and handed me a barf bag. Then I got cold and shaky. What a nasty feeling and how embarassing.
I had to stay there for a long time, eventually sitting up and getting some juice. I am feeling fine now. As for my husband, he was fine, and had fun taking pictures of me with his phone ! Thankfully he came so he could drive me home.
Would I donate again....yes, I hope I will. Now that I know to drink lots and lots of fluids in the 24 hours before. Afterall, it is a small sacrifice to help give someone the "Gift of Life". I hope I haven't scared anyone off and that you will consider donating too.